Drilling Down: The Imperative Role of Data Analysis in Modern Surveillance Operations

The transition from traditional to modern surveillance methods has been a vital turning point in ensuring the safety of property and assets, particularly in industries like gaming. With the advent of more sophisticated technology and tools, there has been a significant shift from reliance on visible behavior and random patrolling, to employing data analysis and business intelligence for effective surveillance operations.

A New Age of Fraud and Theft

In an age where scams can be executed from a point-of-sale (POS) terminal in a restaurant or a casino pit, it’s no longer sufficient to rely on visual cues to detect fraud. The changing landscape of crime has necessitated this shift. Many activities, which could range from subtle manipulations in game statistics to fraudulent transactions, do not immediately stand out. They leave no behavioral “tells,” nor do they flag any overt policy or procedure violations. As a result, surveillance operations must adapt to become more data centric.

Implementing Data Analysis

The first step is establishing a comprehensive review program for all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These could encompass game statistics, slot results, POS exception reporting, Player Club exception reports, and database analytics. This focused review of KPIs can flag anomalies and trends indicative of fraudulent activities.

Assigning a dedicated person or team to handle this information is crucial. As these investigators become proficient in identifying red flags, they become a critical asset to the surveillance department. Over time, adding more analysts can exponentially increase the operation’s ability to detect and investigate crimes.

Reporting Structure

To maintain a coherent and efficient process, the Lead Analyst or Team Leader should report directly to the Surveillance Manager or Director. The information gleaned should not just remain data; it should be converted into actionable intelligence. This enables the surveillance department to perform targeted audits, set up close watches, and launch investigations. Essentially, data analysis should provide significantly more actionable insights than traditional live operations.

Key Takeaways

  1. Shift to Data-Centric Approach: The contemporary landscape of fraud and theft, especially in gaming properties, no longer relies on overt signals that can be easily detected through visual surveillance. Surveillance departments must adopt a data-centric approach, utilizing analytics to identify subtle indications of illicit activities.
  2. Dedicated Personnel for Data Analysis: Assigning a team or individual solely to monitor and analyze KPIs is crucial. As these personnel grow more adept at spotting irregularities, they become invaluable for proactive surveillance, which can be scaled by adding more investigators to the team.
  3. Direct Reporting and Actionable Intelligence: A streamlined reporting structure ensures that data is not just accumulated but is transformed into actionable intelligence. This intelligence should directly inform audits, close watches, and investigations, making the surveillance operation far more effective than before.

In the modern era, the failure to evolve surveillance methods could mean a failure to protect assets and property effectively. As the saying goes, “Adapt or perish,” and there is no sector where this is truer than in modern surveillance operations.

Is your casino safe and protected from illicit activity? Is your surveillance operation up to date on data analysis? Contact Kristine Woods today kristine@betravingknows.com to learn more about how Raving can help your security and surveillance departments with our specialized, casino audits, or make an appointment today!

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