Place Your Bets on Sustainability for Increased ROI
In the past, hospitality has struggled with establishing a strong relationship with sustainability, and despite its growing place in the industry, especially from an operational [...]

The Missing Audience
With the gaming industry constantly evolving and expanding, it is crucial for casinos to break into target market segments currently untapped for growth opportunities. For [...]
Feature Story: Interview with Erica M. Pinto, Chairwoman, Jamul Indian Village
History and Tribal Endeavors The Jamul Indian Village is part of the Kumeyaay Nation, which has held historic boundaries in what is now southern San [...]
How Styles of Communication Brings Us Together Or Pushes Us Away
It may very well be true that we learned all our most important life skills in kindergarten, and in these divisive times, it is important [...]
How Oneida is Laying the Foundation for the Seventh Generation
The Oneida Indian Nation is a federally recognized tribal nation in Madison and Oneida counties in Upstate New York. The Nation has identified principles and [...]
How It’s Done: Casino Sports Sponsorships Part II
From pariah to bonanza Last time on “How It’s Done,” we looked at the sports sponsorships for Firekeepers Casino Hotel and Angel of the Winds. [...]
Elevating Guest Experience in Hospitality
In today’s casino environment, exceptional guest service is not just a nice-to-have; it is the differentiator. The expectation from today’s guests goes beyond gaming options, [...]
Why Your Casino Needs a Strong Entertainment Program
In today’s highly competitive world, attracting new customers and retaining your existing customer base is a challenge. Entertainment is one area where you can stand [...]
OIGA Winter 2025 Update
Each turn of the calendar brings with it an opportunity. Since time immemorial, tribal people were taught to take that space between the new and the [...]
Keys to Engaging Locals and Reaching New Audiences
The database is our lifeblood as casino marketers. It has long been the foundation for all things marketing. Don’t mess with my direct mail matrix. [...]
An Open Letter to the Gaming Industry
It is a time of unrest! Well, there is no other way to put it. It is a time of divisiveness and hostility in our [...]
Empowering Security and Surveillance Teams for Lasting Success Four Foundational Components
Drawing on decades of experience working with casino security and surveillance teams, I’ve learned valuable lessons, sometimes the hard way, about what it takes to [...]
National Native American Human Resources Association (NNAHRA) Winter 2025 Update
In this interview, Judy and Tal discussed 2025 initiatives including their: Support of native-lead nonprofits, sister and cousin organizations Strong education program including certifications and [...]
The Inflation Reduction Act: Benefits for Native American Tribes
In August 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a sweeping piece of legislation aimed at addressing climate change, reducing [...]
Introduction to the Winter 2025 Issue
Dai sla. Hello and welcome to the Winter 2025 Edition of Tribal Gaming and Hospitality Magazine. My name is Brady Scott and I’m the chair [...]
Why the Philosophy of “Everyone Sells” is Key
Years ago, I was invited to visit a casino out west with several colleagues. We were getting ready to install innovative technology, and this casino [...]
Raising the Stakes: An Unprecedented Year for AML Enforcement in the Gaming Industry
The gaming industry faced an unprecedented wave of enforcement actions in 2024 as regulators and federal prosecutors cracked down on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance in [...]
California Nations Indian Gaming Winter 2025 Update
For the California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA), late fall and early winter are both a time of looking back on achievements of the past [...]
Cultural Interpretation: Prioritizing Tribal Members
When building its cultural tourism programming, from its tribal RV park to the Ah-TahThi-Ki Museum, the Seminole Tribe of Florida first turns to its members. [...]
Hospitality Trends, Fads, Shifts or Don’t Even Go There?
I was worried there for a moment that wide ties and bell bottoms were coming back in style. That 1970s fad, fortunately, has not returned. [...]