Reopening Player Trends and Marketing Strategies

As we move from post opening speculation to true opening data, what are we discovering?

We checked in with marketing and advertising pros and Raving Partners, Tom Osiecki and Mark Astone – who are both working with clients that have re-opened and have valuable data to share.

What are they seeing out in the field and how have they adjusted their marketing strategies from pre-opening plans to post-opening trends? Has their customer-base changed?

In this interview, we talk about the balance between the marketing message of “safety” to a casino’s traditional branding message. How do we work with less tools in our marketing toolkit (no large VIP events, drawings or concerts, and less amenities)?

Please click on the video to hear their thoughts on how quickly casinos are transitioning from pent up demand to a cooling off period and what opportunities there are for destination players who do not wish to get on a plane.