The Power of Social Media Content Marketing for Tribal Casinos

Key strategies to drive more revenue

I’m back to talk about something every marketing mind knows and loves – social media content marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of content creation, there’s always more to learn. Let’s dive into some key strategies that can help your casino shine online, attract more visitors, and keep them coming back for more.

1. Create Engaging Content

First things first: your content should be engaging. In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans are short, and competition is fierce. So, how do you stand out? Let’s break it down:

Short-form Video (Stories, Reels):
Platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube have made stories, reels, and short-form videos the go-to format for quick, engaging content. These are perfect for showcasing your casino’s vibrant atmosphere, latest events and promotions, or even those epic jackpot wins. A 15-second clip of a winner’s reaction or a sneak peek of an upcoming concert can create excitement and anticipation for your followers. And the best part? These videos don’t need to be professionally produced. In fact, a bit of authenticity can go a long way in connecting with your audience.

Photography (Games, Amenities, Winners, Team):
Photos are still a powerful tool in your content arsenal. High-quality images of your casino’s games, amenities, and winners can paint a picture (pun intended) of what guests can expect. Don’t forget to include your team members in the mix. People love seeing the faces behind the scenes, and it adds a personal touch to your brand. Showcase your dealers, chefs, and hospitality staff doing what they do best. It’s not just about the casino  – it’s about the people who make it a great place to visit.

Think Outside the Box:
Engaging content isn’t just about the glitz and glamor. Sometimes, the most engaging content is unexpected. Maybe it’s a behind-the-scenes look at how your casino prepares for a big event, or a time-lapse video of the sun setting over your resort. The key is to be creative and to think about what your audience would find interesting, entertaining, or valuable.

2. Foster Collaboration

Content creation isn’t a one-person job, nor should it be. Some of the best social media content comes from collaboration – whether that’s within your team, with influencers, or even with local businesses. Let’s talk about how to make these collaborations work for you.

Working with Team Members and Departments:
If you saw the “Dance Off Challenge” videos spreading around casinos in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, and Oklahoma you watched team collaboration at its best. Those videos were an incredibly engaging and fun example of how casino teams came together to create amazing content. Your team is one of your greatest assets when it comes to content creation. They know the ins and outs of your casino property, and they’re often the ones interacting with your guests daily. Encourage them to share their ideas and contribute content. Maybe your head chef wants to share his secret recipe for the casino’s famous dish, or your spa manager has tips for relaxation that would make for great social media posts. By involving different departments, you not only diversify your content but also give a well-rounded view of what your casino offers.

Content Creators and Influencers:
Let’s be real – social media influencers and content creators are like the celebrities of the digital age. Partnering with them can amplify your reach and introduce your casino to new audiences. When choosing influencers, look for those who align with your brand values and target demographic. Whether it’s a local food blogger who can highlight your restaurant or a lifestyle influencer who can show off your luxurious spa, collaborations like these can bring a fresh perspective to your content and draw in followers who trust their recommendations.

Local Businesses:
Don’t underestimate the power of partnering with local businesses. Cross-promotions can be a win-win situation. For example, you could team up with a nearby brewery to host a tasting event at your casino, or collaborate with a local boutique for a fashion show. Not only does this benefit both businesses, but it also creates unique content for your social media channels that highlights your connection to the local community.

3. Content Frequency & Publishing

Now that you’ve got your content and collaborators lined up, the next step is figuring out how often to post and what your content mix should look like. Spoiler alert: it’s not about posting as much as possible—it’s about finding a sustainable rhythm that aligns with your business goals.

Building a Sustainable Publishing Frequency:
Consistency is key when it comes to social media, but it’s important not to burn out. Posting every day might sound great in theory, but it can quickly become overwhelming, especially if you don’t have a dedicated social media team. Instead, aim for a schedule that you can maintain in the long run. Whether that’s three times a week or twice a day, the goal is to be consistent so your audience knows when to expect new content from you. Tools like scheduling software can help you plan and automate posts, giving you more time to focus on creating quality content.

Focusing on Business Goals Across the Entire Enterprise:
Your social media content should be more than just eye candy—it should serve your business goals. What are you trying to achieve? More bookings for your hotel? Higher attendance at events? Increased foot traffic to your spa? Whatever your goals are, make sure your content is aligned with them. For example, if you’re looking to boost hotel bookings, you might want to showcase your luxurious rooms, special packages, and positive guest reviews. If you’re promoting a big concert, focus on building hype through countdowns, artist interviews, and ticket giveaways.

What’s Your Content Mix Actually Look Like?
As casino operators, we know it’s important to have a solid game mix on the floor in order to best serve our patrons. Social media content is no different. Your followers don’t want to see the same thing over and over again. A healthy content mix for your casino might include a blend of jackpot winner posts, promotion winners, events and entertainment, food, spa, pool, golf, RV park, team members, and hotel content. This keeps your feed fresh and interesting, while also showcasing the full range of what your casino has to offer. It’s important to strike a balance—too many jackpot posts might make your feed feel repetitive, while not enough could make you miss out on a key engagement driver. NOTE: your direct mailers are not intended to be republished as content for social media, but they can certainly inspire some creative content that will work to engage your patrons.

Final Thoughts

Social media content marketing is an ongoing process that requires creativity, collaboration, and consistency. By creating engaging content, fostering collaborations, and maintaining a sustainable publishing frequency, your tribal casino can build a strong online presence that attracts new visitors and keeps regulars coming back for more. Remember, it’s not just about what you post – it’s about how it aligns with your overall business goals and the value it brings to your audience. And hey, don’t be afraid to try something that seems a little crazy – it just might work!

Justin Shank 12 Articles