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On February 4, 2025, at 10:00 AM, the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking held a training on how human trafficking impacts the region. The session covered how the crime of human trafficking exists across the U.S., how the presence of casinos can add to demand and foster environments where exploitation occurs, and the challenges of monitoring and enforcement. Casino and hotel operators, staff, security teams, and local law enforcement all have a role in combating human trafficking.
Topics Covered:
— How to identify human trafficking situations and potential victims.
— How to connect to anti-trafficking and victim support resources and develop protocols to protect and support victims.
— Legal aspects of human trafficking cases and tips on information to provide as part of an investigation.
About the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking:
The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (combathumantrafficking.org) is a leader in Colorado’s anti-trafficking movement. Since 2005, it has trained over 75,000 professionals and community members, conducted research to drive action and inform policy change, operated the statewide 24/7 human trafficking hotline, and developed over 200 future human rights leaders.

Human Trafficking Response Guide
Human Trafficking Detection for Financial Institutions
Caesars Position on Human Trafficking