5th Annual Tribal Nations Training Week

“Building Native Resilience, Protecting the Circle”

March 28 – April 4, 2020

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) invites you to join us as we conduct a focused training week to build resilience in Tribal Nations emergency response capabilities to better serve our communities.

The CDP will host the 5th Annual Tribal Nations Training Week on the CDP campus in Anniston, AL. This is a unique training opportunity for emergency responders serving Tribal Nations to network and train alongside their colleagues from around the country.

Training is federally funded to include round-trip transportation, meals, lodging and training at no cost to participating tribal, state and local jurisdictions.

Participants choose one of eight training lanes comprised of classes offered by the CDP and its training partners. Each lane includes 40 hours of training over five days, with evening activities built in to provide additional networking opportunities.

Training Lanes:

Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents (HCL) / Integrated Capstone Event (ICE) (CDP)

Biological Incidents Awareness (NCBRT) / Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents (HERT) with ICE (CDP)

Natural Disaster Awareness for Caregivers (NDPTC) / Barrier Precautions and Controls for Highly Infectious Disease (HID) (CDP) with ICE (CDP)

Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning and Response Actions for All Hazards (IC) (CDP) / Building Community Engagement through Local Emergency Planning Committees (CTG) /Crisis Leadership and Decision Making (TEEX)

Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response – Operations (EHTER OPS) / ICE (CDP)

Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response/Site Protection Observational Techniques (NCBRT) with ICE (CDP)

EOC Operations and Planning for All Hazards Events (TEEX) / Access and Functional Needs Preparedness Planning for Rural Communities (RDPC) / Expeditionary Training (CDP)

Framework for Healthcare Emergency Management (CDP) / Expeditionary Training (CDP)

Registration will open in October, 2019 Contact David Hall, CDP Tribal Nations Training Coordinator David.Hall@fema.dhs.gov