Challenges and Opportunities this Labor Day: Interview with the National Native American Human Resources Association

Thanks to all our readers who are out there making the day special for those of us in the workforce are off today on holiday. We so appreciate you!

For this special TG&H On Air we interviewed industry professionals Dorothy Cyr and Arnold Williams, Board Members for the National Native American Human Resources Association (NNAHRA), to gain insight on ongoing labor challenges (and opportunities) facing our Tribal organizations.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce issue a new report, Understanding America’s Labor Shortage that sites the top five factors contributing to the labor shortage including:

  • Early retirements and an aging workforce
  • Net International Migration to the U.S. is at its lowest level in decades
  • Lack of access to childcare
  • New business starts
  • An increase in savings 

As representatives of NNAHRA, Dorothy and Arnold have their pulse on this topic through their large membership of Native American HR professionals. In this interview we talked about what strides tribal organizations have made in 2024 and what their biggest concerns are regards to labor in 2025 including:

  • One of the reasons why many women haven’t returned to work is access to childcare. What are some programs Tribal organizations are doing to mitigate this issue?
  • Especially of older team members that might be considering early retirement, share some examples of innovative retention solutions from Tribal organizations.
  • To attract a new generation who have never worked for a Tribal enterprise, including a casino, what are your member organizations offered that are out of the box?

To find out more about how the National Native American Human Resources Association can assist your organization with training and resources, click here.

Again, special thanks to those who are working today and every day.

To our audience – what innovative solutions is your organization utilizing to attract and retain team members? WE WANT TO KNOW! We will share your stories on a future article in Tribal Gaming & Hospitality Magazine. Contact our editor today at with your stories.