Not Invisible Act Commission to Hold Public Hearing in Flagstaff, Arizona

WASHINGTON (May 1, 2023) — On Tuesday, May 9, the Not Invisible Act Commission will convene a public hearing in Flagstaff, Arizona. This is part of the continued work by the members of the Commission, appointed by the Departments of the Interior and Justice, to develop recommendations to guide Congress and federal agencies on how to best combat the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous peoples and human trafficking, as required under the Not Invisible Act.

The Not Invisible Act, which was led by then-Rep. Haaland and passed into law in October 2020, established the Commission as a cross jurisdictional advisory committee composed of both federal and non-federal members including law enforcement, Tribal leaders, federal partners, service providers, family members of missing and murdered individuals, and survivors.

As part of the Commission’s report to Congress and federal agencies, members of the Commission selected specific locations in the country most affected by these crises to hold field hearings this year to hear from the public to help gather feedback to shape their final recommendations.

The hearing will include both panel discussions (open press) and a public comment period (closed press to protect the privacy of speakers).

WHAT: Not Invisible Act Commission Public Hearing

WHEN: May 9, 2023, at 9:00 AM MST

WHERE: Flagstaff, Arizona

RSVP: Credentialed members of the media interested in attending must RSVP to by 4:00 PM MST on May 8. Additional information will be sent upon RSVP confirmation.