EZ Baccarat Now Includes Golden Talons and Divine 9 at No Additional Cost. Find Out if EZ is Right for Your Casino

TG&H Interviews EZ Baccarat’s, Francisco “TJ” Tejeda

Sponsored By EZ Baccarat

What Sets EZ Baccarat Apart?

At EZ Baccarat, we made a commitment from day one: to deliver a game that would be unique in the marketplace. That’s why we maintain a simple and fair pricing policy—just $600 per table for every casino, regardless of size or the number of tables. Remarkably, this price hasn’t changed since 2008.

New Side Bets: EZ Baccarat Now Includes Golden Talons and Divine 9

Keeping our promise to innovate and enhance the game, we’re thrilled to introduce two exciting side bets, Golden Talons and Divine 9, at no cost!

Working alongside EZ’s distributor Galaxy Gaming’s new management team, we’re bringing changes to the way we do business. In short order, operators will have the option to add these two very popular side bets to EZ Baccarat at no additional cost.

Tribal Casinos Central to EZ Baccarat’s Success

Tejeda attributes much of the game’s success to the long-running partnership with tribal casinos. “Our success would have been very much in doubt if it wasn’t for the hand tribal casinos extended to us,” he said in the interview.

We had been trying to sell EZ Baccarat for 10 years without success until we got a call from Barona Casino asking for two tables. That changed everything. A couple of months later, Pechanga Casino quickly jumped on board, ordering six EZ tables (now 14). And, we were off to the races.

The contracts that Barona, Pechanga, and other operators signed 16 years ago are still standing. Today, we have over 200 EZ Baccarat tables across 41 thriving tribal casinos.

Get Your Free EZ Baccarat Market Research Study

Our in-house research and development team will be glad to do a study in your area of operation pointing out the potential in your specific market. The EZ Baccarat study will be tailor-made to your casino and is free of charge.

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